Awaken Your Divine Essence


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Welcome to our very first podcast episode, love!

Today, find out what an ancient prophecy says about you and me; why it is vital to return to your divine essence and what it takes.

On this first episode, I share with you how my journey back to essence began.

On the second segment, join me in prayer and receive Divine Light Transmission.

Links Mentioned In This Episode:

>> Find out how I can serve you.

>> Connect with me on Facebook.


>> Ready to heal, transform your life and become the woman on her divine essence you were born to be? Choose one of the available time slots on my agenda to have a consultation with me.

>> Send a message on Facebook.

learn about Q’ORIANKA’S services:

>> To find out how you can work with me, visit our Sacred Services.

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About Your Host



Q'orianka is an Incan High Priestess, Healer & Transformational Guide for awakened women who want to step into their sacred destiny and live authentically in their divine essence.

She is a Peruvian native who comes from an ancient healing tradition of the Incan lineage. Q’orianka is the founder of Alturas Spiritual Journeys and in her work as a priestess, she continues sharing these ancient Incan spiritual practices and teachings as part of her ancestral legacy.

Q’orianka midwifes women’s rebirth into a bright new life of purpose, and assists priestesses, healers, and creatives step into the highest level of leadership through high ceremony based upon traditional Incan and Amazonian plant medicine both through her virtual retreats and programs and in-person sacred retreats in Cusco, Peru via

Q'orianka holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Nursing earned in Canada and is a featured speaker in global events.

Q'oriankaFirst Episode