Alturas Spiritual Journeys

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A Story of Transformation

Whenever I see something terrible happening in the world such as the latest events in Europe, my heart feels heavy.

I have joined you and thousands of people around the world in prayer for the people who are suffering. They need our love more than ever.

And I have asked myself:

¨What can I do to make this a better world?

¨What can I do to help heal Mother Earth?¨

The response I heard is:

Recommit to being more of who you are.

Live your sacred purpose and allow Divine Spirit to work through you.

I went deep within and memories of my spiritual awakening and the journey of return to myself and my sacred life mission came flooding back.

I had cried all the tears that I could possibly cry after I got divorced from my first husband while I left behind my parents, my home and life as I knew it.

I found myself in a small rural community in a remote island of Canada, lonely, depressed, insecure and clueless about my identity.

I kept my heart open to love, forgiveness and faith and prayed for a life of peace and joy. I needed my life to heal but I did not know how.

The answer to my prayers was a calling to immerse myself in sacred Inca – shamanic ceremonies. Despite having been born in Peru, I did not know anything about the ceremonies and how they would help me transform my life.

I heard and recognized the calling and took action. I made my way from Canada to Cusco – Peru to enter sacred ceremonies.

It was an epic soul journey.

The kind of defining moment that changes the course of your life forever.  

Entering these ancient ceremonies was entering through a powerful loving portal of light. On the other side, I found my authentic self and a new life that was even better than I had envisioned.

A life I am an active creator of.

A life in connection with Mother Earth and the Divine.

A life of service doing what I love doing and being truly me.

Since then, I have guided thousands of women through ceremonies.

Every time I am in awe of the amazing gifts women receive when they listen to their hearts and respond to the calling of Mother Earth and the Inca´s healing life transformational Ceremonial Immersion:

They take back their power. They become radiant and that’s how they show up in life after their Ceremonial Immersion with us. They publish books successfully and become inspirational leaders. They embody their life’s mission boldly. They create a bigger vision for themselves and go for it. They are free to be themselves and live life on their terms, finally.

  • Are you too ready to let go of the heavy baggage from the past like our past soul-mate clients did, to be free to be truly YOU?

  • Do you want to break free from old patterns that are distracting you and taking away your power? ... So that you can step into your divine purpose with confidence and ease?

 Now is your time to quiet yourself to listen to your heart.

Join the Ceremonial Immersion & Spiritual Mentoring in Cusco, Peru to shed the old and start living in your divine essence with confidence and joy?

Know that you are not alone. I am here to guide you throughout your journey and hold the sacred container for the New You to emerge.

When we say Yes to being more of who we are, we are committed to living our sacred purpose and become available for Divine Spirit to work through us, we are making this a better world and healing Mother Earth.

We are powerful agents of change bringing new life to this world. 

Learn more about the sacred Immersion.


Q'orianka is an Incan High Priestess, Healer & Transformational Guide for awakened women who want to step into their sacred destiny and live authentically in their divine essence.

She is a Peruvian native who comes from an ancient healing tradition of the Incan lineage. Q’orianka is the founder of Alturas Spiritual Journeys and in her work as a priestess, she continues sharing these ancient Incan spiritual practices and teachings as part of her ancestral legacy.

Q’orianka midwifes women’s rebirth into a bright new life of purpose, and assists priestesses, healers, and creatives step into the highest level of leadership through high ceremony based upon traditional Incan and Amazonian plant medicine both through her virtual retreats and programs and in-person sacred retreats in Cusco, Peru via

Q'orianka holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Nursing earned in Canada and is a featured speaker in global events.