Alturas Spiritual Journeys

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How She Got Out Of A Deep Dark Hole - A Story Of Liberation

My dearest client Dechen came to visit me in Cusco last week for a Ceremonial Immersion & Spiritual Mentoring sacred retreat.

She’s a soul artist guide. She’s so inspirational. She’s being courageous and determined to make radical changes in her life in pursuit of happiness and embodying her life purpose, her soul’s calling. She’s the sweetest, most caring woman.

So, imagine my surprise and emotion when I found this email message from her in my inbox. She wanted me to share it with you and our community together with these pictures in my Blog, Musings from the Soul.

Her letter is an honest and raw account of her journey of healing and life transformation that started within.

Are you curious about what the Immersion with us is really like?

She is taking you behind the scenes into what her Ceremonial Immersion experience was like, her inner journey and more. I’m so moved beyond words and excited to share it with you.

So, here it is!

May you find inspiration in Dechen’s story:

“Sometimes we can’t really explain why we feel a deep inner calling to do something.

When I saw Q’orianka on a video interview, that is when the desire to go to Cusco for an Immersion Retreat was born in my heart.

I just knew I had to go and to get in touch with nature again to find something…

What I had lost somewhere along the way after a heartbreak which threw me into a dark night of the soul for many years.

In those years, therapy and art from the soul helped me avoid staying in the depths of the dark hole I just kept falling into. A hole in the earth filled with a huge inner critic feeding on the rejection and abandonment as food for low self-esteem, self-doubt, and lack of self-love… anger and fear.


Being stuck in lots of areas in my life, where had I gone?


I felt that I was floating above myself.

I somehow sensed that there was a key point of healing that was waiting for me in going to Peru and in the knowledge and guidance of Q’orianka, the Inca High Priestess.


Sometimes listening to the calling we feel inside to do something, like for example attending the Immersion Retreat in Peru, requires a lot of courage, on many levels.

Even before I touched the Peruvian ground, way before my retreat started, I felt the loving, caring, honest, and wise support from Q’orianka through the calls we had.

One thing I love about Q’orianka and her team is the safe container they create for you to go where you need to go fully, even those painful or yukky places you resist to go within yourself, to become honest and truly love yourself.

I had what for me felt like “a cluster” of those places that were holding me back in my life. 

This team creates a container which holds you lovingly in the beauty of nature and her ancient wisdom of healing.

A container filled with amazing Inca holy grounds with remains of temples.

The beauty of the land, the gentle whispers of the wind and the water and the sounds of a flute and soft soothing voices singing the song of your soul. A sacred container filled with the vibrant colors of Cusco and the lightness of the laughter and humor. Joy!

In that beautiful, loving container that Q’orianka and her team create healing takes place naturally.

And I am so grateful. I’ve been back home for a few weeks now. Back to the familiar environment where some challenges were awaiting me, I am experiencing on a daily basis the deep shift that has taken place in my being thanks to this retreat.

The changes are subtle but deep. I feel like the earth, at last, is closing under my feet, and I have emerged out of the darkness allowing myself to feel Mother Earth’s fresh and fertile ground beneath my feet.


Coming back home into the familiar environment where the same people, the same problems, the same routines of life are present is where I truly started to notice that things have changed. That something inside of me has shifted.

It is a bit hard to express that in words, but many subtle deep changes make up for a big shift, and I can feel that every day. 

I feel a calmness inside which is rooted in every cell of my body.


I am much more able to be present with painful feelings, there is more acceptance. Less drama.


I feel grounded in a way that was unknown to me before, and it feels soooo... good.

I feel that after so many years of denying myself permission to be truly present in this world, Mother Earth has shown me the way out of the depths of the hole in my heart. 

For years, I had a painful knot in my heart chakra. The journey of untying that knot and healing my broken self-esteem, was made possible because I felt completely safe, well taken care of and loved by Q’orianka and her excellent team of healers.

A few days after the Immersion, a friend of mine said that it seemed like something heavy had fallen off me, that she felt that I was “so much lighter” and she is right, as I do feel in my body, mind and spirit so much lighter.


Life happens, challenges are there, external circumstances haven’t really changed while I was away. But what has changed is me, and my ability to recognize my patterns of behavior.

I see now where my brain still wants to take the same old neural pathway of self-hatred and self-destruction.

And I’m able to say, “No, not this way. We will take a different path this time.”

It requires strength and courage to do that, and sometimes I don’t manage immediately, but here is where I notice the changes; it never takes too long before I honestly reflect on myself and redirect myself lovingly to the other path; to the path of the light, of self-love, integrity and compassion for myself and others. 

It is my time to emerge into the world with the gifts I have to offer. That, in fact, still scares me, but as I said, many subtle changes mount up to a huge shift, and I know that with all that this Immersion Retreat has given me, I am well equipped.

I highly recommend this Ceremonial Immersion Retreat, it is set up beautifully and professionally, with so much care, beautiful ceremonies, so much integrity, love, beauty, and tons of wisdom! And all that in the magical surroundings of Cusco. It is a true gift to yourself and the world!

A huge thank you from my heart to Q’orianka, Maestro Juan Carlos and Peter, beyond words is my gratitude. Thank you.”


Dechen Verschueren

Soul Artist Guide

Can you relate to Dechen’s story?

Have you had your own dark night of the soul? 

Are any of the following affecting your life too like they used to affect her life? : The inner critic, rejection, abandonment, low self-esteem, self-doubt, lack of self-love, anger, and fear.


It’s scary to see the truth for what it is and admit to ourselves that we’ve been struggling deep inside. It requires so much courage to stop all distractions to listen to the calling in our hearts to receive the healing and support that we need and take action to receive them. To actually do something, to take the first step and then the next… That’s how we co-create transformation and miracles with Divine Spirit.

But if we don’t, the same old cycle that you know all too well repeats itself and we end up staying stuck. We continue to perpetuate behaviors and dynamics that only keep us disempowered. We’re not allowing ourselves to receive joy, love, abundance and freedom into our lives and our life visions cannot turn into a reality.

Healing your past, realigning and connecting with Pachamama, your nature spirit guides and your soul is the key for you to return to your essence and receive everything that you want.  

There is a process of freeing yourself from what is keeping you stuck and returning to your power. Our Inca and Amazonian ancestors knew this well and their holistic earth-based methods in the sacred container of ceremonies are how they found freedom, happiness and returned to their power. I continue with the ancient healing, life transformational tradition of my ancestors.  

When you’re activated you will have new eyes to see; you’ll find peace inside of you despite the storm, you’ll know exactly what to do with confidence, and feel free to be truly who you came to be in this world, in your essence. You’ll have the energy and power to contribute your gifts in a big way.

It’ll feel so good!

Perhaps Pachamama has been calling you for a while, like she called Dechen. Perhaps you’ve been afraid to take your next step because you’re using all your energy, time and resources in your work, a relationship, your family, maybe, the program or course you’ve been taking and in the back of your mind this thought has been preventing you from taking the leap to create lasting transformation:

“I don’t have the money/the time/the support of my family/the courage/the ability to change… etc.”

But you are exhausted, feeling drained because nothing is changing. Just when you thought things are getting better, you find yourself in the same old cycle, struggling again. Yet, you’re afraid that if you make the decision to take the leap to heal the past, once and for all, you may fail or what if you succeed? What life will be like? You’re afraid of the unknown… you’re scared of your own power.

Being in FEAR is no life, it’s SURVIVAL.

You can’t take it anymore….

What if I told you that what’s on the other side is better than you can ever imagine? When you listen to your heart’s deepest truth, when you allow your soul to guide you, and lead the way, she shows you your medicine. The ‘how’ appears right in front of you. It’s amazing!!!

Let your divine essence step forward and shine bright!

If you are not sure where to begin, I invite you to do what Dechen and, other amazing heart-centered women have done. Join me in an experience that will support you at the highest level where you’ll set yourself free from the past, heal at depth and be reborn in your divine essence.

Join me and an intimate group of heart-centered awakened women on our upcoming  Ceremonial Immersion and Spiritual Mentoring sacred retreat in Cusco, Peru.

Are you feeling the calling?

After this experience, you will have the clarity on what your next steps are and the confidence to surpass anything to start creating the life you know is meant to be for you. You will be transformed in depth. You’ll be free! And you will have the guidance and inner strength to create your life in your power, with self-love and wisdom.

Book a Consultation Interview with me. This is a Consultation call worth $ 400 USD but it’s free of charge to you.

On the call, we not only will explore if the Ceremonial Immersion is a good fit for you. You will leave the call with a higher level of clarity of your life vision and purpose; what's been slowing you down and blocking you; what needs to be healed and shifted (a lot of the times is not just what you think), spiritual mentoring and more.


Q'orianka is an Incan High Priestess, Healer & Transformational Guide for awakened women who want to step into their sacred destiny and live authentically in their divine essence.

She is a Peruvian native who comes from an ancient healing tradition of the Incan lineage. Q’orianka is the founder of Alturas Spiritual Journeys and in her work as a priestess, she continues sharing these ancient Incan spiritual practices and teachings as part of her ancestral legacy.

Q’orianka midwifes women’s rebirth into a bright new life of purpose, and assists priestesses, healers, and creatives step into the highest level of leadership through high ceremony based upon traditional Incan and Amazonian plant medicine both through her virtual retreats and programs and in-person sacred retreats in Cusco, Peru via

Q'orianka holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Nursing earned in Canada and is a featured speaker in global events.