If you are here, this is your truth.
You know this:
Like many modern-day Medicine Women, you have an academic education, specialized knowledge, and a career or a corporate job where you feel accomplished to a degree. Yet, you know in your heart, something is missing. You can feel it.
When you are by yourself, you practice meditation, hold your crystals in your hands, use essential oils and practice energy work on yourself. And you take every opportunity to help your loved ones with your medicine. Perhaps you are starting to offer your healing services to the community.
Yet, you are not sure if you are prepared to offer your healing services.
Deep within, you feel unsure of yourself. You are wondering: Am I doing it right? How can I bring forth my gifts in a bigger way without fear? How do I connect with my spirit guides? You have so many questions…
And you feel lonely on your spiritual path because your family and friends do not understand you and your sacred calling. Sometimes it feels like you are from two different worlds.
What you really want is to be truly You, all of You, fully accomplished as the Medicine Woman you were born to BE serving in this world with confidence, making a difference!
Finally, a sacred guided experience that will take you to embody the Medicine Woman in her power. Receive the strong foundation to build upon your healing, life transformational practice, and live the life that your soul is calling forth!
And there is no reason to feel inadequate or to judge yourself for feeling this way.
We are living the times of the Great Awakening that the last descendants of the Inca people prophesied. A portal has opened, and many women have awakened to their soul’s calling, the medicine they carry within, and to the awareness that you were born to assist the people in healing, reconnecting with their soul, and bringing the Divine Light to this word in your own unique way.
Our modern society shapes everyone since we are little children to succeed in a certain way. It gives us one set of values and a belief system. Our society instills in our minds wants and goals that do not really belong to us. And it gives us extensive academic education for the mind while neglecting true connection with the soul and undervaluing the power of the heart.
No wonder women doubt themselves and feel unsure and hesitant to BE who they came to be in this world and become visible Leaders of the Light.
We struggle with who we are, who our society expects us to be, and the many roles we play in the workplace and at home.
We struggle to be Medicine Women. For many, it is a lonely experience lacking support and authentic teachers and guides who can show them the way.
As a result, at best, they try to figure it all out by themselves, which makes them vulnerable and unprepared for the tests and steep learning curve that are part of the path of the Medicine Woman. At worst, they end up feeling defeated and reject their true essence and sacred calling because it is SO hard, and it just seems easier to suppress the desires of the soul and her calling until the inner battle, subtle and hidden as it may be, becomes too painful to stand.
Do you feel the burning desire to grow in confidence in your gifts and finally reach your next level as a Medicine Woman?
Do you see healers, Medicine Women, in their greatness, being authentic in their divine essence, offering their sacred gifts to the world while they wave their magic in beauty? And do you want to experience THAT? Do you want to live in your essence sharing your gifts like that?
I am here to tell you that you can have that and create that reality for yourself.
Having what your soul desires is more important than you think. Not only it is the path to your happiness and freedom to be fully expressed, but it’s also a catalyst that brings more Divine Light to this world.
By unleashing your Light and taking a stand for yourself and your sacred life mission, you are becoming a Leader of the Light.
To register in The Divine Woman Emergence Program - Essentials for the Path of the Medicine Woman, take the first step:
Book a Complimentary Call with Q’orianka. She is interviewing every woman who wants to join the program >>>
I am Q’orianka
I am an Incan High Priestess, Medicine Woman, Sacred Guide & Initiator for Rising Medicine Women who want to step into their sacred destiny and live authentically in their divine essence.
I come from an ancient healing tradition of the Inca lineage. In my sacred work, I continue sharing these ancient spiritual practices and teachings as part of my ancestral legacy.
I am the founder of Alturas Spiritual Journeys, a Cacao, Rose, and Flower Priestess & Medicine Woman, a certified Reiki Master, and a former Registered Nurse.
A deep dark night of the soul in my late twenties catalyzed my spiritual awakening in the midst of severe depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder and loneliness. I was divinely guided to heal my life in ancient ceremonies in Peru with Pachamama’s medicine like my ancestors did before me. That’s when I remembered my sacred calling as a Medicine Woman and Priestess.
Later, I pilgrimaged to the high Andean mountains of Cusco to receive initiation rites and teachings of the Incan lineage and have devoted well over a decade to nurturing my connection with Nature Spirits and working with Pachamama through high ceremony.
I midwife the life healing of emerging Medicine Women. I guide, activate, and initiate Medicine Women into their soul’s mission, and assist them in expanding their abundance and prosperity.
I am a catalyst for the embodiment of the Medicine Woman in Bloom.
“Q’orianka is the embodiment of light and beauty. She knows how to tap into your Divinity in a way I saw very few people do.
Her powerful healing soul will guide you to an unforgettable journey of uncovering your truth and live free to be and create the life of your dreams.”
Embodying the Medicine Woman you know you truly are is no easy feat. Feeling lonely in your spiritual path, like you don’t belong, while trying to find a spiritual teacher, and starting to navigate the world of spiritual-energy work can be overwhelming. This silent struggle becomes especially palpable when you offer your sacred gifts to the world and encounter difficult experiences that leave you feeling anxious, confused, and unprepared.
Wounds from our childhood echo in saying, “Who do you think you are to offer your services?” Or even your wounded child may get triggered while doing your sacred work blocking the flow of the medicine through you. These kinds of thoughts and experiences can be very challenging and may make you lose self-trust and go hiding.
The Divine Woman Emergence is an essential initiatory program for the Medicine Woman that helps transform struggle, lack of self-trust, and procrastination into ease, confidence and timely growth in your spiritual path and sacred service.
We give you the foundational pillars and initiatory ceremonies it takes to fulfill with ease and confidence your sacred destiny as a Medicine Woman in 11 months from the inside out. I have crossed the bridge myself, going from lack of self-trust, wondering HOW?, and feeling unprepared to start offering my sacred services with confidence, to living my soul purpose in blissful ways and showing up in the world as the Medicine Woman and Leader of the Light, that I am.
That’s why I have received out of divine inspiration this sacred program that guides YOU into becoming a Medicine Woman and will support you evermore.
These foundational pillars and initiatory ceremonies are based on working with soul-mate clients, feminine healers, over the years, and, of course, my own spiritual initiations and personal experience in the path of sacred service.
Dear sister committed to fully embodying the Medicine Woman, you’ll be initiated to live in sacred service.
Even if you are already offering your soul-led services, this foundational initiatory program will strengthen you and support your growth in your gifts greatly.
Receive timeless wisdom, deep energetic and spiritual up-leveling, Light transmissions, and powerful initiatory ceremonies to jump timelines in the accomplishment of your life mission.
In The Divine Woman Emergence, you will learn the foundational practices to share your medicine with the world in a sustainable way so that you thrive on this path with confidence.
Grow in your connection with your Spirit Guides and Pachamama and receive their spiritual energy and blessings with deep reverence and respect, in the same sacred ways our ancestors did hundreds of years ago.
Be attuned to the path of the Medicine Woman through timeless channeled wisdom and Divine Light Transmissions.
Heal the wounds from the past that come to the surface to block progress in the Medicine Woman’s path of service. You will heal your life in ceremonial sessions with support from Q’orianka, a seasoned Medicine Woman and Sacred Guide, and soul-sisters who witness you with love.
6 – 60 Min. Medicine Woman Arising Modules
5 - 60 Min. Sacred Initiatory Ceremonies
3 – 60 Min. Divine Light Transmissions
8 – 90 Min. Life Healing Sessions
The Divine Woman Emergence Welcome Questionnaire will help you clarify your vision and desires from the get-go, and be ready for the most impactful action steps you can take now.
Downloadable Video Recordings of all Medicine Woman Arising Modules and Divine Light Transmissions.
Access to the Video Recordings of the Life Healing Sessions.
Ceremonial & Ritual Recipe Guides.
Medicine Woman Arising Notes.
In The Divine Woman Emergence
You will receive the beauty and medicine of the Flowers, the wisdom of Mamma Cacao,the soulful ancient Earth-Based Incan Ceremonies, and Shamanic Sound Baths to powerfully support life-healing, your growth as a Medicine Woman, and return to your divine essence.
You will raise your frequency and up-level in the path of the Medicine Woman.
We dive into each of the essential practices that will become the cornerstone of your sacred healing practice, and we’ll go beyond that. You will receive the energetic transmission of the spirits of nature that will empower and support your soul’s mission.
These are some of the Modules you will receive:
Clearing and Protection: Finally, feel confident and safe doing your sacred work. Learn how to care for yourself effectively and tell when it’s time for the healer to be supported.
How to Receive Guidance From Your Spirit Guides: Open up and deepen the communication channels with your spirit guides to transmit their wisdom and be always guided by them.
How to Create Sacred space, Lead Groups of Women, and Perform Ceremony: Awaken the holly divine energy within to guide and wave the magic for healing, nourishing, and a life transformational experience.
These ceremonies are key to your growth as a Medicine Woman now and for years to come and the development of your sacred practice, wherever you are on the path of service.
Let Pachamama show you the way.
Let Pachamama give you strength.
I do.
Receiving Sacred Initiatory Ceremonies propelled me forward in my sacred life mission, and I know they will do the same for you too.
Embrace the timeless wisdom and teachings of our ancestors and receive these energy frequencies within your being.
The Principle that Guides Master Healers: The spiritual principle that guides master healers from an ancient Amazonian tribe that will strengthen you as a healer and prime you to thrive in life.
The Spiritual Warrior: Conquer fear and dive into the frequency of the spiritual warrior. Learn who she is. Connect with her through an invocation, an embodiment practice and more.
Gratitude: Harness the true power of gratitude as a spiritual path and practice following on the footsteps of the Incan Priestesses that walked on this Earth before us.
These are deep healing sessions from traumas that have affected a sense of self-trust, alignment with your divine essence, and the embodiment of your soul mission as a Medicine Woman.
Clear heavy energies and transform painful old stories into your powerful medicine as a healer in a sacred circle with your supportive sisters.
The first step in applying for The Divine Woman Emergence Program - Essentials for the Path of the Medicine Woman is to have a complimentary call with Q’orianka herself.
She interviews every woman who wants to join the program.
Receive feminine and gentle Mamma Cacao
ceremonial sessions.
Mamma Cacao will infuse your heart deeply with the teachings and wisdom transmissions, where they will live, and you’ll be able to access them anytime from now on.
Integrate and embody the Medicine Woman as a way of being with Sacred Initiatory Ceremonies.
These Ceremonies will bring you deeply closer to our ancestors and Pachamama and you will much more easily access their loving medicine, support and guidance from now on.
Be nourished by the spirit of Mamma Rose.
With her high frequency of love, Mamma Rose will support the clearing and transmutation of shadow that has been blocking you from your powerful medicine.
Attune to your highest calling in powerful Shamanic Sound Baths.
The Shamanic Sound Baths will activate high energy transmission frequencies in you. They will bless your Medicine Woman's path.
This program is deeply sacred and intimate and therefore only open to a select number of women who are truly committed to the path of the Medicine Woman. Click the button to schedule a Complimentary Call with Q’orianka. She is interviewing every woman who wants to join the program.
Step into this journey!
Here’s what Medicine Women are saying about Q’orianka and her sacred work:
“Creating with you on Soul Art Day, and experiencing the Water Ceremony with you Q’orianka touched my heart so deeply.
You are an Incan Priestess with profound power.
Your beauty radiates
like a stream of ravishing rainbows<3 💛💚💙💜” ”