You Can Have It All
(Photo/Image courtesy Kevin Thom, #soulartday)
On May 23rd I painted art from the soul as a special guest on International Soul Art Day hosted by Laura Hollick. Over 12,000 creative spirits joined us from home via live stream to create art together for the day.
On the days that followed my return to my home in Cusco from Toronto, Canada, I continued adding details to my painting.
Then I sat to connect with my art to listen to the message that my spirit guides and my soul wanted me to receive to support me on this new level of evolution in my personal life and my sacred life purpose in service to women.
As I received their message, it was clear to me that I was meant to share it with you too because it is for both of us, dear sister.
Theirs is an uplifting message that reminds us of and helps us center in the frequency of all possibilities. So here it is:
You can walk in peace, confidence, and faith, my dear.
Feel the expansive energy of the universe running through your body, becoming visible in your life through your manifested visions.
You are made of the universe’s very fabric, and that makes you as powerful and divine as the universe is.
Abundance is always there for you, and it is as if money grew on your hands. Accept it with all your heart, and this becomes your reality.
Open your eyes wide to see and recognize that your life vision is a reality and open your arms to receive it giddy with excitement and joy like a child would.
You are a magnificent being of light who is one with the creative energy of the Universe.
The living energy of Mother Earth and you are in constant dialogue. You are grounded in its abundant life and beauty.
(Photo/Image courtesy Kevin Thom, #soulartday)
You are protected by the powerful energy of your spirit guides. They are your ancestors walking by your side wherever you go. They transmit to you their hundreds of years old wisdom and give you strength to carry your sacred mission of bringing divine light to the people. Your life-giving energy touches many.
So much joy in being right there where you are needed; where the divine wants you to be to make a difference in people’s lives.
Fearlessly - with joy - you stretch to grow in every area of your life because that is the way to your true happiness and the path to walk in total freedom and integrity.
Peace comes with knowing that the divine and your spirit guides are supporting you at all times. Your life is a beautiful co-creation with the divine in constant expansion.
Watch your heart glow and emanate sweet love energy to yourself and everyone around you.
Feel your heart’s vibration, rejoice in gratitude as you fulfill your life's vision. You feared that all you desired was going to take too long or that “it may not happen. What if…?” You were wrong.
Are you not glad you were wrong when you worried about not attaining your desires?
The truth is, you have prayed enough, you have visualized enough, you’ve done enough, and you are enough. All that you desired is already yours. You are manifesting in present time.
You have set in motion the abundant energy of the universe long ago, and it is time to celebrate every accomplishment, no matter how small you think they are because every one of them is an important piece that has set in motion the co-creation of your manifested vision.
(Photo/Image courtesy Kevin Thom, #soulartday)
First, you had to be ready for those accomplishments - the ones that seem small - not so significant to you now. In reality, they are not small. They had to happen first to set in motion the birth process of your greater vision. They gave more and more strength to the desires that followed.
Your new desires are bigger and more ambitious than the past ones because you are growing and you are letting go of believes that limited you. You are already the woman who is ready to receive what you desire.
You are a child of the divine, and your spirit guides work in your favor in the ethers of the universe. They love you and are generously giving to you all you have desired to have. All the material and non-material things, experiences, wellness, health, and joy.
You are so loved, so protected, so on purpose. This life is the most beautiful joyful one you could have chosen for yourself. Yes, my dear, you can have it all.
What is your soul craving to enjoy now?
What are you ready to experience?
What do you choose to create in your life?
I'd like to hear what you are ready to receive. Please, share with me by sending a message to
Q'orianka is an Incan High Priestess, Healer & Transformational Guide for awakened women who want to step into their sacred destiny and live authentically in their divine essence.
She is a Peruvian native who comes from an ancient healing tradition of the Incan lineage. Q’orianka is the founder of Alturas Spiritual Journeys and in her work as a priestess, she continues sharing these ancient Incan spiritual practices and teachings as part of her ancestral legacy.
Q’orianka midwifes women’s rebirth into a bright new life of purpose, and assists priestesses, healers, and creatives step into the highest level of leadership through high ceremony based upon traditional Incan and Amazonian plant medicine both through her virtual retreats and programs and in-person sacred retreats in Cusco, Peru via
Q'orianka holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Nursing earned in Canada and is a featured speaker in global events.